History of March for Jesus


 Marches in England:                The Marches in England began in the 1980’s when some small churches decided to take what they were experiencing in the churches out into the streets. On May 10, 1987, Icthus Fellowship in London joined with Youth With A Mission and Pioneer Ministries to organize a prayer and praise march through the streets of London. To their surprise, more than 15,000 people turned out, in spite of pouring rain.


Marching in the United States:                The vision for March for Jesus USA began in 1989 when Tom Pelton, now the Coordinator for the Americas, began organizing praise marches in Austin, Texas. March for Jesus USA was established in 1991 and in less than a decade has expanded to over 650 cities in the United States and hundreds of other cities throughout the Americas.


May 23, 1992: The First Nationwide March for Jesus-The idea of the whole nation marching together for Jesus quickly grew. On May 23, 1992, Christians openly exalted Jesus in 142 U.S. cities and in 25 European countries. 300,000 marched for Jesus in the U.S., joining another 300,000 overseas.


 June 12, 1993: Joining Hands Across the Nations-After the phenomenal success of the first national March for Jesus, plans were soon underway for the first international March, in which believers would "join hands across the nations." The 1993 March for Jesus brought 1.7 million Christians to the streets in 850 cities across the globe to glorify Christ.


 June 25, 1994: A Day to Change the World-On June 25, 1994, Jesus received extravagant praise from 1.5 million believers, in 550 cities from every state, in the nation's third March for Jesus. All around the world that day, a total of 10 million people marched down the streets of more than a thousand cities in 178 nations! The Lake LA March for Jesus was the first march to be held in the AV.


 May 25, 1995: Together for the Gospel-At the 1995 March for Jesus, celebrated in 2,190 cities across the globe, millions of Christians marched to take the joy of knowing Jesus beyond their church walls and into the streets. In the U.S., an estimated one million Christians of all denominations marched in unity to show their love for God.   This was the first year of the Antelope Valley March for Jesus effort.  Over 20 churches and over 100 volunteers representing all Antelope Valley Communities joined in unity to organize the event that brought out over 2500 marchers in Lancaster from City Hall to Jane Reynolds Park.


 May 27, 1996: A World To Win Together-An estimated 10-12 million people marked the third Global March for Jesus worldwide in more than 2,000 cities of 170 nations. In the United States, an estimated 1 million people marched for Jesus on the streets of 625 cities in all 50 states.  Over 2000 Antelope Valley Christians marched in Lancaster.


 May 21, 1997: The Generations Together-More than 6 million people worldwide marched simply because they love Jesus. In the United States, an estimated 1 million people marched in more than 700 cities in all 50 states. This year’s March was inter-generational with two, three, and sometimes four generations marching together.  Over 1,000 Antelope Valley Christians marched in Lancaster.


 May 30, 1998: Prayer for the Suffering Church- 700,000 people in 633 cities in the United States and more than 10 million people worldwide took to the streets to worship Jesus. Around the world prayers were offered up for those who are persecuted and suffer because of their Christian faith. Over 1,000 Antelope Valley Christians marched in Lancaster.


May 22, 1999: Prayer for the Nations – Approximately 2,000 Antelope Valley residents Marched for Jesus in Lancaster from Lancaster City Park. 


June 10, 2000:  A Day on Earth as it is in Heaven – Jesus Day 2000.    Over 2,000 received goods and services at the Antelope Valley fairgrounds and 300 marched for Jesus.


June 2, 2001:  Prayer focus on our Nation’s Leaders and our adopted Country, Pontcitlan Mexico.  Jesus Day 2001 – Only 200 Christians marched but over 1,000 had needs met. Free Groceries and clothing distribution to individuals and churches was coordinated as well as the distribution of free Bibles, candy, and tracts.  Continental breakfast was served to participants during the pre-march program.  The March for Jesus was held in Palmdale with outreach efforts throughout the valley.


May 18, 2002:  FOCUS ON OUR NATION AND TROOPS.  The March was held at Jane Reynolds Park in Lancaster.  This was the smallest march but the most powerful.  Everyone who participated committed to service in 2003. 


June 7, 2003:  National theme is Peace be to these streets in the name of Jesus.  Meet at Palmdale City Hall at 10:00 AM and Prepare to praise the Lord.  MARCHERS WILL MARCH AROUND THE ROUTE SEVEN TIMES!!!


Cumulative number of Marchers -Since 1987, the world has witnessed over 50 million people marching for Jesus.